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更新时间:2017-05-19 点击数:3437

胶辊缠机是胶辊研发产品的注意的搭配专用机器,符合于造纸行业胶辊、染整胶辊、印刷版胶辊、砻谷胶辊、石油化工胶辊及油印胶辊等,在研发动用中劳动力力度低,速率高,半的成品率敢达99%,还可顺利圆满如期完成手工diy、塑料模始终无法 注射成型的特色胶辊,实现运作简短通俗易懂,下降人造和物品。胶辊缠机注意的由喂料熔融挤压出来体统,自思想、减慢速度机、煮沸保压体统、气控体统、电机控制软件机装置体统、等注意的部件组合。喂料熔融挤压出来体统是为胶辊缠包胶针对性设计构思产生的,可动用20~100邵尔密度的熔融挤压出来型的混炼胶,凝固点要适于。煮沸保压体统是拿水做影视文化,煮沸分为电,保压分为工业化的制冰。通过胶种和密度调控尽可能的水温。气控体统需有比较固定源天燃气,通过区别的胶种,区别的缠具体方法,调控尽可能的压差。电机控制软件机装置体统几乎都是对微网吧电脑实现了设施java开发,胶辊缠机实现运作简短,缠胶辊的表面表面平整一样的,速率快 ,半的成品率高,下降人造节约用电成分。是当今很多家庭胶辊精加工必不能够少的专用机器。   The roller winding machine is the core supporting equipment of the rubber roller manufacturer. It is suitable for the papermaking roller, printing and dyeing roller, printing roller, hulling roller, metallurgical roller and mimeographed rubber roller. The labor intensity is low in production and use, High efficiency, yield up to 99%, but also successfully completed the manual, mold can not shape a special roller, easy to understand, save labor and materials. Roller winding machine mainly by the feed extrusion system, motor, reducer, heating and cooling system, air control system, electronic control system, and other major components. Feeding extrusion system is specially designed and manufactured for rubber tape wrapping. It can be extruded with 20 ~ 100 Shore hardness. The viscosity should be suitable. Heating and cooling system is the use of water to do the media, heating with electricity, cooling using industrial refrigeration. Adjust the proper temperature according to the gum and hardness. Air control system must have a fixed air supply, according to different kinds of rubber, different winding method, adjust the appropriate pressure. Electronic control system is set for microcomputer programming, roller winding machine is simple, winding roller surface smooth, fast, high yield, reduce the artificial savings of raw materials. Is essential for modern roller processing equipment.
